Hi all and welcome to my blog..
I am very new to this blog thing.. but I am very excited that i can actually get in touch with many friends around the world.
in this blog i will try to capture the minutes of my life with photos or words.. or pieces of work from my just established studio.
i love my studio! my dad had given me a small storage room in the house and i cleaned it up and now i might as well sleep in it since i am so attached to it!
my studio is my hidden world. in it i do alot of fun things..
i listen to music by kenny G .. i paint ( just starting with the oil painting which is very clear why my studio is a mess of oil colors everywhere"P opps)
im also trying to join the club for the altered books.. i love mixed media and im planning to do a little everyday till i get a collection.. so im gonna need your help!
besides all that I am an architect.
okay all so lets get ready and do
loud stuff :D