Saturday, December 16, 2006

Design School...Here I Come.. Again !

After my graduation from architecture school , I wasn't sure how to step into the design world. first of all , I got a job , boring as hell put pays well , in a field thats not a bit related to my field of study. I call it my "Good Ol''Day Job", i thought i'll be in it for a year or so then flyyyyyyyy on my way to creativity , and freelance business in art and design, and working with happy clients, and freedom , and money , and and... Wake-up Call.. , Its Not that Easy!
I got stock with my day job ( and since it pays well , cant complain) , and said goodbye to my skills. Now after 3 years of Non-Creative labor-Midas Touch outcomes-Boring like a WWF game on a school night , I woke up to my own instincts. I wanna go back to design school in order to get in touch with my creativity that has been sleeping in for a while.
well , to cut it short, I am actually thinking of taking a course at DesignSessions . Now the hard part is deciding whether to enroll in Intro to Graphic Design ? or Fundamentals Logo Design? how about Figure Drawing ? Awesome!! check it out and help me decide.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the kind words on my blog. As a design school dropout, I can understand getting stuck in the well paid day job...

As for which course to take, I was always told that drawing skills are the basis towards any true ability in design. With that, I'd recommend Figure Drawing.

Design Out Loud said...

Thanks Gradon ! Figure Drawing is amazing.. But for the requirements of that class i have to find a "figure" if you know what i mean to draw.. thaaaaaat is not easy:)